God's Doing a New Thing

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God's Doing a New Thing


At some point we all need a turnaround or breakthrough in order to witness the plans of Heaven unfold in our life. When it seems that the perfect will of God is stalled, that’s when situations need to take a turn. God knew this ahead of time. That’s why He planned a NEW THING just for you - right now!

New doesn’t always mean different, however. Sometimes, “new” simply indicates something fresh. God doesn’t get a better idea the next day, but has scheduled turns and refreshings to keep you depending on His Word and leadership to accomplish the plan He swore to you. 

In this four part series, Jeff Taylor shows you how to recognize, adjust and maximize the seasons of refreshing while maintaining your focus on the One who promised. Don’t allow confusion and discouragement to hinder you because God’s doing a NEW THING!

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